Differential News Reception and Media Effects (MA, Fall 2020)
Introduction to Communication and Media Psychology (MA, Fall 2020)
Contents and News Use of Political Communication (MA, Summer 2020)
Multivariate Statistics 2 (MA, Summer 2019)
Contents and News Use of Political Communication (MA, Summer 2019)
Differential News Reception and Media Effects (MA, Fall 2019)
Introduction to Communication and Media Psychology (MA, Fall 2019)
LECTURE Communication and Media Psychology (BA, Summer, 2017, 2018)
LECTURE Research Methods and Designs (MA, Fall, 2017)
SEMINARS Political Psychology of Scandal (BA, Summer 2018), Communication and Media Psychology (BA, Summer 2017), News Reception and Effects (BA, Summer, 2017), Communication and Market Research (BA, Fall 2017), Research Colloquium (BA/MA, Summer/Fall 2017, Summer 2018)
LECTURE (english language) Introduction to Data Collection and Research Designs, International Research Master Program (MA, Fall, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
SEMINARS Research Seminars (2015-2017, BA), Bachelor Thesis Seminars (2016, 2017, 2018), Scientific Skills Seminar (2017, MA)
LECTURE Introduction to Communication Research (MA, Fall 2016, Summer/Fall 2018, 2019)
Numerous seminars (BA and MA level) on communicator research, news reception and media effects (2008-2014)